Archived Papers for Journal
Austin Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine >>
Vol.2, No.2
Publisher: Austin Publishing Group
Publishing Date: 2015-02-23
- Successful Treatment of Septic Shock with the Use of IgM Enriched Immunoglobulin Solution and Antibiotic PolicyAuthors: Wieczorek A; Gaszynski T
- Acute Lung Injury Caused by High Tidal Volume in a Rat Pneumonia ModelAuthors: Julie Chi Chow; Wei-Lun Liu; Chih-Cheng Lai; Khee-Siang Chan; Chin-Ming Chen; Kuo-Chen Cheng; Willy Chou
- The Syrian Disaster Response MissionAuthors: Zeyn Mahomed; Feroza Motara; Ahmed Bam
- How Information Technologies Support the Intensive Care Systems: An Application of Mortality Prediction Model with Support Vector MachineAuthors: Chien-Lung Chan; Hsien-Wei Ting; Chia-Li Chen
- Burn Resuscitation with Fresh Frozen Plasma: 5 Years of Experience with the West Penn FormulaAuthors: Jones LM; Brown N; Phillips G; Blay BA; Bhatti P; Miller SF; Coffey R