Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Image Processing Theory and Applications >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: Clausius Scientific Press
Publishing Date: 2016-12-31
- An improved method of MRI segmentation based on variational level setAuthors: Lihong Li; Zuojun Liu
- Weighted Total Variation Iterative Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Pushbroom Compressive ImagingAuthors: Zhongliang Luo; Yingbiao Jia
- Object Classification Based on Radon TransformAuthors: Jing Ma; Baolong Guo
- Using object oriented technique to extract jujube based on landsat8 OLI image in Jialuhe BasinAuthors: Xinwei Guo; Guotao Dong; Wenwang Gao; Mingyong Cai; Dong Fan; Huijuan Yin; Yaokang Lian; Suzhen Dang
- Image Segmentation Method for Rail Track Obstacle Based on Improved Fast BinarizationAuthors: Xu Tiantian; Li Jiying
- An improved MIMLRBF natural scene image classification based on spectral clusteringAuthors: Shanshan Zhang; Wei WU