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Archived Papers for Journal

Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Livestock >>

Vol.1, No.1

Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University

Publishing Date: 2019-07-01

  1. Productivity of piglets on rearing with large-group confinement on polymer and concrete floor

    Authors: V.I. Ladyka L.M. Khmelnychyi M.B. Shpetnyi V.V. Vechorka

  2. Features of development repair heifers Ukrainian Red-and-White and Black-and-White dairy breeds in the farms of Sumy region

    Authors: Leontiy Khmelnychyi Dmitriy Bardash

  3. Influence of genotypic and paratype factors on realization of dairy productivity of cows

    Authors: Svetlana Voitenko Tatiana Karunna Bogdan Shaferivsky Ivan Zheliznyak

  4. Reproductive qualities of sows of danish and french origin in the conditions of the industrial complex

    Authors: Oleksandr Mykhalko Mykola Povod


    Authors: Yingying Qiao Oleksandr Kyselov Changzhong Liu

  6. Evaluation sires of line type score and milk quality of their daughters

    Authors: Natalia Admina Tatiana Osipenko Iryna Filipenko Oleksandr Admin

  7. Searching the optimized solutions for the development of a project for the production of pig breeding products with a capacity of 24 thousand heads per year

    Authors: Vasyl Voloshchuk Sergiy Smyslov Mykhailo Pidtereba Alexey Pidtereba Leontius Khmelnychyi

  8. Dependence of milk productivity Holstein cows on the duration of lactation period and organism's physiological activity

    Authors: Ganna Huculak

  9. Detonation synthesis ultrafine suspension of nanodiamonds influence at ewes productivity, lamb growth rate and some biochemical parameters of blood serum

    Authors: Igor Korkh Ivan Pomitun Nadiya Коsova Natalia Boyko Lyubov Pankiv Pavlo Ryazanov Volodymyr Ivashchenko Volodymyr Borodin

  10. Current situation and scientific provision of the livestock industry of the Ukraine eastern region

    Authors: V.V. Kunets N.V. Kamyshan

  11. The influence of retention technology on the performance of suckling sows

    Authors: V.Ya. Lykhach A.V. Lykhach R.V. Faustov R.O. Tribrat S.O. Kiseleva

  12. Justification of mechanisms of optimization of technological-economic parameters of dairy farms and complexes of different production capacity

    Authors: V.A. Marchenko I.V Korh V.S. Petrash A.V. Tkachоv

  13. Assessment of the implementation of the heritage breeding productivity of the Holstein Breed

    Authors: L.S. Patreeva T.I. Nezhlukchenko S.I. Lugovyі L.O. Strikha E.M. Zaitsev

  14. Efficiency of crossing the Russian Trotter breed of the Ukrainian population with the French Trotter breed

    Authors: I.V. Tkachova O.O. Tkachenko

  15. Coefficients of Welsh sows multiplicity phenotypic consolidation

    Authors: O.M. Tsereniuk I.M. Martyniuk O.V. Akimov N.M. Shkavro L.M. Khmelnychyi

  16. Comparative evaluation of the impact growing heifers and feeding cows on milk yields

    Authors: V.P. Shablia I.Yu. Zadorogna P.V. Shablia