Archived Papers for Proceeding
International Conference on Electrical and Bio-medical Engineering, Clean Energy and Green Computing (EBECEGC)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Dr. Mohammad V. Malakooti
ISBN: 978-1-941968-06-2
Date: 2015-1-28 - 2015-01-30
Conference Venue:
Wilmington, New Castle, USA - United States
- Automatic Detection System of Abnormal Patterns in ECG SignalsAuthors: Isa Yaser Al-Heddi;Madina Hamiane
- Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Annual Global Solar Radiation for PV System's Sizing in UUM Area, Malaysia.Authors: Sanusi Yekinni Kolawole;Ojeniyi Adegoke;Sunmonu Lukman Ayobami
- Smartphone-Based Assistant for Walking Rehabilitation of Patients with Parkinson’s DiseaseAuthors: Po-Yi Lee;Shih-Tsang Tang;Shun-Feng Su;Chia-Yen Yang;Tsorng-Lin Chia;Yu-Ching Huang;Wai-Keung Lee
- Marker Based vs. Natural Feature Tracking Augmented Reality Visualization of the 3D Foot PhantomAuthors: Khelifa Baizid;Ernesto Carrabba;Sa?a Cukovic;Goran Deved?ic;Michele Gattullo;Frieder Pankratz
- Dynamic Thresholding Scheme for Fingerprint Recognition SystemAuthors: Young-Jin Go;Soon-Won Jung;Kyoung-Min Kim;Buhm Lee;Joong Jo Park
- Secured IPsec Multicast Architecture Based on Quantum Key DistributionAuthors: Ahmed Farouk;Adel Megahed;Fatma Omara;Magdi Zakria
- Covert Channel using the IP Timestamp Option of an IPv4 PacketAuthors: Hassan Alsaffar;Daryl Johnson
- Experimental Validation of DTMF Decoder Electronic Circuit to be Used for Remote Controlling of an Agricultural Pump SystemAuthors: Hussain A. Attia; Beza Negash Getu;Nasser Hamad