Archived Papers for Proceeding
International Conference on Computing Technology, Information Security and Risk Management (CTISRM)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Dr. Mohammad V. Malakooti
ISBN: 978-1-941968-31-4
Date: 2016-03-02 - 2016-03-04
Conference Venue:
Dubai, UAE - United Arab Emirates
- Remote Sensing Water Information Extraction Based on Neural Network Sensitivity AnalysisAuthors: Yanrong Wu; Da Sha; Congcong Zhang; Chen Qi and Chen Ping
- Mobile Security for Banking on Android PlatformAuthors: Lukas Aron and Petr Hanacek
- An Automated Tool for Measuring Lumbar Spinal Canal DiameterAuthors: Raed M. Bani-Hani; Momen M. Oqaily; Hamzeh Y. Al-Okaily; Reem M. Al-Rashdan and Noor M. Shboul
- Firmware Update Trend in the Internet of Things -An Empirical Survey of Japanese HGW Vendors-Authors: Ichiro Mizukoshi; Aki Nakanishi and Atsuhiro Goto
- Smart Technologies for e-Surveillance: Some Positives but also Problems Regarding Security, Privacy and Protection of Personal Data Authors: Dusan Soltes
- Application of Combined Evaluation Method Based on Comprehensive Weight and Gray-fuzzy Theory in Network Security Risk AssessmentAuthors: Zhipeng Li; Zhijie Li; Yongjun Shen and Guidong Zhang
- Social Media Investigations Using Shared PhotosAuthors: Flavio Bertini; Rajesh Sharma; Andrea Ianni and Danilo Montesi
- Protection of National Cyber Security: Awareness & EducationAuthors: Yilmaz Vural; Murat Aydos and Mehmet Tekerek