Archived Papers for Journal
Software & Systems >>
Vol.35, No.4
Publisher: Research Institute CENTERPROGRAMSYSTEM
Publishing Date: 2022-12-16
- Organizational problems of implementing flexible approaches in the applied software developmentAuthors: Sayapin O.V.; Tikhanychev O.V.; Bezvesilnaya A.A.
- Developing the Expert system as a tool to form encyclopedias and to fill the Common digital space of scientific knowledgeAuthors: Vlasova S.A.; Kalenov N.E.; Sotnikov A.N.
- Unification of a data presentation model and format conversion based on a non-relational Neo4j DBMSAuthors: Eremeev A.P.; Paniavin N.A.
- Requirements for the software implementation of the Industrie 4.0 system for creating network enterprisesAuthors: Telnov Yu.F.; Kazakov V.A.; Danilov A.V.; Denisov A.A.
- DIY DDoS Protection: operational development and implementation of the service in the National Research Computer Network of RussiaAuthors: Abramov A.G.
- A GraphHunter software tool for mapping parallel programs to a supercomputer system structureAuthors: Baranov A.V.; Kiselev E.A.; Telegin P.N.
- Development of trusted microprocessor software models and a microprocessor systemAuthors: Aryashev S.I.; Grevtsev N.A.; Zubkovsky P.S.; Chibisov P.A.; Kuleshov A.S.; Petrov K.A.
- A software platform demonstrator for configuring ANFIS neural network hyperparameters in fuzzy systemsAuthors: Ivanov V.K.; Palyukh B.V.
- Evaluating the capabilities of classical computers in implementing quantum algorithm simulatorsAuthors: Zrelov P.V.; Ivantsova O.V.; Korenkov V.V.; Ryabov N.V.; Ulyanov S.V.
- Modelling a supercomputer job bundling system based on the Alea simulatorAuthors: Baranov A.V.; Lyakhovets D.S.
- A GraphQL dynamic schema in integrated information system implementationAuthors: Chernysh B.A.; Murygin A.V.
- Implementing some of the Mantevo project applications on the OpenTS DMPI platformAuthors: Osipov V.I.; Matveev G.A.; Roganov V.A.
- Algorithms for generating training sets in a system with case-based inference based on example situationsAuthors: Glukhikh I.N.; Glukhikh D.I.
- Classification of common design patterns for multi-agent systemsAuthors: Chernyshev S.A.
- Semiotic network editing software for robot control systemsAuthors: Sorokoumov P.S.; Rovbo M.A.
- Terms extraction from texts of scientific papersAuthors: Dementeva Ya.Yu.; Bruches E.P.; Batura T.V.
- Aspect extraction from scientific paper textsAuthors: Marshalova A.E.; Bruches E.P.; Batura T.V.
- Designing a decarbonising closed-loop "Nature–Technology" control systemAuthors: Solnitsev R.I.; Korshunov G.I.; Lei Wang
- Informational and algorithmic support of an environmental air monitoring intelligent system based on neural networksAuthors: Yarygin G.A.; Bayukin M.V.; Kornyushko V.F.; Shmakova E.G.; Sadekov L.V.
- A precedent approach to evaluating a lightning impact on a street lighting system using the ontologiesAuthors: Chernovalova M.V.; Chernensky L.L.; Makarova I.M.
- A software computing suite for simulating effects from coronating wires of overhead AC linesAuthors: Balametov A.B.; Khalilov E.D.; Isaeva T.M.
- Modelling of deformation of elastic objects using perturbation functionsAuthors: Vyatkin S.I.; Dolgovesov B.S.
- System software for redundancy management of avionics complexesAuthors: Ageev A.M.; Novitsky L.V.; Tsvetkov E.S.; Shurman V.A.
- Implementing a system for searching for illegal financial services on the Internet based on a microservice architectureAuthors: Kochnev A.A.
- Developing an adaptive training system for an engineering disciplineAuthors: Tagirova L.F.