Archived Papers for Journal
Vol.11, No.1
Publishing Date: 2020-04-05
- Effect of nutritional status of pregnant women on outcome of pregnancyAuthors: Effect of nutritional status of pregnant women on outcome of pregnancy
- Effect of flaxseed flour, grape peel and wheat gluten incorporation levels on the sensory quality of chicken meat pattiesAuthors: Effect of flaxseed flour grape peel; wheat gluten incorporation levels on the sensory quality of chicken meat patties
- Development and quality evaluation of meat balls from turkey meatAuthors: M. Anna Anandh
- Development of mango extrudates by extrusion processingAuthors: Dhruv Juyal
- A comparative study of the effect of gaur gum and gum arabic on snacks products chakli and sevAuthors: Nikhil Solanke; Pradip Pawar
- Development of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) productsAuthors: R.H. Gore T.N. Khan; J.P. Nerlekar
- Infant feeding practices among tribal populationAuthors: Binapani Deka Ira Sarma; Tulika Borah
- A study on scenario of consumption of fermented foods and beverages in barak valley regionAuthors: Ruli Daulagupu