Archived Papers for Journal
Scientific and practical journal “Economy of Industry” >>
Vol.108, No.4
Publisher: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine
Publishing Date: 2024-12-21
- The deployment of circular industrial ecosystems – the condition of eco-efficient elimination of the consequences for the environment caused by military actions Myroslava O. SoldakAuthors: Myroslava O. Soldak
- Ement of eco-industrial parks in the circular economy: state support for enterprises processing construction waste productsAuthors: Dmytro O. Lazarenko Yanina V. Belinska Dmytro O. Papuk
- Ydrogen energy in Ukraine: preconditions, potential and prospects for european integrationAuthors: Iaroslav M. Kryl
- Strategic prospects for the development of lithium production in UkraineAuthors: Bohdan I. Lohvinenko
- Enterprise financial flows simulation on a car dealership exampleAuthors: Glib A. Mazhara Amina R. Parkhomuk