Visnyk of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Geology >>
Vol.86, No.3
Publisher: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv University Publishing
Publishing Date: 2019-09-30
- Geomorphology, neotechonics and paleogeography of the natural geological monumentson "Starunia" territory
Authors: Kalynii T.; Omelchenko V.
- Determination of the physical properties of complexly constructed media using Near-Surface Crosswell method
Authors: Guliyev H.; Aghayev Kh.; Mehraliyev F.; Ahmadova E.
- Analysis of acoustic properties of reservoir rocks from Runovschynska field on the basis of petrophysical studies in various pressure conditions
Authors: Bezrodna I.; Vyzhva S.
- Oil and gas factor in the foreign policy of Latin America
Authors: Tkach O.; Tsvykh V.; Khylko M.; Batrymenko O. Nelipa D.
- Electrochemical investigation of cobalt absorbtion processes by soils of Ukraine
Authors: Mank V.; Tonkha O.; Galimova V.; Surovtsev S.; Menshov O.; Bukova O.; Rogovskiy I.
- Determination of the petroleum pollution sources for groundwater (on the example of Solotvino territory in the Precarpathians)
Authors: Kuzmenko E. Bagriy S. Fedoriv V. Shtogrin N. Dzoba U.
- Use of B-splines in development of automated geological-surveying support system
Authors: Zelensky A.
- Statistical simulation of random field on 2d area with Whittle-Matern typecorrelation function in the geophysical problem of environment monitoring
Authors: Vyzhva Z.; Demidov V.; Vyzhva A.
- Biocentric-networking configuration of the forest-steppe landscapes of the left bank of Ukraine: metrization and assessment for the purpose of the landscape planning implementation
Authors: Udovychenko V.
- National database of landslide processes: principles of development, implementation and application for landslide hazard assessment on regional and local levels
Authors: Ivanik O.; Shevchuk V.; Kravchenko D.; Hadiatska K.
- Cluster analysis and radiation monitoring of environment
Authors: Getmanets O.; Nekos A.; Pelikhatyi M.
- Geostatistical analysis of the atmogeochemical field in the prior layer of the atmosphere of Northern Ukraine (bryogeochemical indication data)
Authors: Tyutyunnik Yu.; Shabatura O.; Blum O.; Daunis-i-Estadella J.