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Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" >>

Vol.74, No.4

Publisher: The Institute of the Economy of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine

Publishing Date: 2023-12-24

  1. Open Source: the Case of Channels

    Authors: Cherevatskyi D. Lypnytskyi D. Myshanov A.

  2. Development of the Mechanism of Diversification of Resources Used by Enterprises of the Agricultural Complex in a Strategic Perspective

    Authors: Muterko H. Havrylov O. Riabka V.

  3. Transformational Processes of Logistics Activities of Corporate Enterprises in Integration with the Digital Economy

    Authors: Hutsaliuk O. Bondar Iu. Kravchenko M.

  4. Theoretical and Applied Principles of Strategic Management of Competitive Advantages of Enterprises in the Context of Digitalization

    Authors: Zaverbnyj A. Pushak Ya.

  5. Economic and Mathematical Modeling in Budgeting

    Authors: Latysheva O. Chupryna Yu.

  6. Economic and Mathematical Modeling in Budgeting

    Authors: Latysheva O. Chupryna Yu.

  7. Economic, Financial and Legal Assessment of Corporate Integration Association Activity

    Authors: Kotsiurba O. Abliazova N. Zakharchenko O. Motuzka O.

  8. Innovative Project Clusters in the System of Forming Competitiveness and Economic Development of Regional Art Educational Institutions

    Authors: Yakushev O. Trushkina N.

  9. Strengthening the Economic Interaction of Information and Communication Technologies in The Innovative Design of Activities of Extracurricular Educational Institutions Using Electronic Educational Resources

    Authors: Mankuta Yа.

  10. Platform Strategiarchy as a Tool for Reducing Information Asymmetry, Taking into Account the Scale, Cardinality and Order of the Strategy

    Authors: Vyshnevskyi О.

  11. The Economic Impact of Cloud Technologies on the Industry 4.0 Development

    Authors: Reznikov R.

  12. Problems of Post-War Restoration and Development of Infrastructure in Ukraine

    Authors: Amosha O.I. Amosha O.O.

  13. Economic Potential of the Railway Engineering Industry of Ukraine in the Context of Post-War Recovery and European Integration

    Authors: Ruban M. Chebotarov Ie.

  14. Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Government Reform: Adaptation in Ukraine Experience of Poland and Lithuania

    Authors: Borodina O.

  15. Enhancing Regional Development with Startup Ecosystems

    Authors: Lytvynskyi R.