Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Human Security >>
Vol.18, No.2
Publisher: Librelloph
Publishing Date: 2022-08-16
- Gendering Community Policing and Role of Information Communication Technology: A Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan
Authors: Abda Khalid; Ingrid Nyborg
- Re-thinking Violence, Everyday and (In)Security: Feminist/Intersectional Interventions
Authors: Ingrid Nyborg; Shweta Singh; Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv
- Patterns of Similarities and Differences in Post-Conflict Community-Oriented Policing—A Matter of Trust
Authors: Kari Margrethe Osland; Maria Gilen Røysamb
- Gender, Populism and Collective Identity: a Feminist Analysis of the Maoist Movement in Nepal
Authors: Heidi Riley; Hanna Ketola; Punam Yadav
- Anti-gender Populism in Latin America: The Cases of Mexico and Brazil
Authors: Edme Dominguez Reyes; Cirila Quintero Ramirez; Cristina Sheibe Wolf