Archived Papers for Journal
Tyragetia >>
Vol.VII, No.1
Publisher: National Museum of History of Moldova
Publishing Date: 2013-10-10
- The Royal Cemetery at Ur and Early WheelsAuthors: Elena Izbitser
- Types of decorative elements in headwear of the Scythian womenAuthors: Lyubov Klochko
- Einige Überlegungen bezüglich der Chronologie und Periodisierung der Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca-KulturAuthors: Vasile Iarmulschi
- Preliminary results of interdisciplinary research of the Early Paleolithic multilayered site of Bairaki in Transnistria in 2011-2012Authors: Nikolai Anisiutkin; Serghei Covalenco; Alisa Larionova; Alexandr Ocherednoi; Xenia Stepanova; Andrei Chepalyga
- Preliminary data on a child’s grave discovered in the Paleolithic site of Cosăuţi (Republic of Moldova)Authors: Mădălin-Cornel Văleanu; Luminiţa Bejenaru; Serghei Covalenco; Ion Tentiuc; Vitalie Burlacu; Codrin Lacătuşu
- L’industrie lithique taillée d’habitat énéolithique de Şoimuş 2 - Lângă satAuthors: Mihaela-Maria Barbu
- Investigations of a mega-structure at the Trypillian culture settlement near Nebelivka in 2012Authors: Mihail Videyko; John Chapman; Bisserka Gaydarska; Natalia Burdo; Eduard Ovchinnikov; Galina Pashkevych; Nataliya Shevchenko
- Établissements cucuteniens dans l’espace d’entre Prut et Dniestre (étape Cucuteni A- Tripolie BI). Aspects de l’histoire de la rechercheAuthors: Mariana Vasilache
- Traces of the ritual practice at a large Trypillian culture settlement near MaydanetskeAuthors: Natalia Burdo
- A new settlement of the Gumelniţa culture from Chioselia Mare village, Cahul DistrictAuthors: Eugen Mistreanu
- Barrow of the Copper and Bronze Ages near the Village of Suvorovo, Odessa CountyAuthors: Nicolae Russev; Mihail Fokeev; Igori Manzura
- Stone objects found in the settlements of Noua-Sabatinovka cultures in the Prut-Dniester areaAuthors: Mariana Sîrbu
- Two new hoards and several solitary finds of metal items of the Bronze Age - Early Hallstatt periods in the territory of Republic of MoldovaAuthors: Stanislav Ţerna; Denis Topal
- The hoard of the late Bronze Age from the village of Antoneşti (the Cantemir District, Republic of Moldova)Authors: Mariana Sîrbu
- Archaeological research on the site of Saharna Mare (2009-2012) (II)Authors: Ion Niculiţă; Aurel Zanoci; Mihail Băţ; Sergiu Matveev
- Amphora from Chios found in Dubăsari (new object in the collections of NMHM)Authors: Natalia Mateevici
- The Getae burial on the left bank of the Dniester and some problems of the Thracian burial practiceAuthors: Nicolae Telnov; Vitalii Sinika
- Les etapes d’édification de la fortification de Horodca MicăAuthors: Octavian Munteanu
- The Getae burial with cremation at the medieval settlement of Poiana IAuthors: Alexandru Levinschi; Ivan Vlasenco
- Textiles from Scythian burial complexesAuthors: Elena Fialko; Yurii Boltryk
- New cartographic materials on the ancient ramparts of BudzhakAuthors: Igori Sapozhnikov
- Roman coins in the forest-steppe on left bank of the Dnieper: general characteristics, distribution and major problems in the studyAuthors: Kirill Myzgin
- The hephthalite numismaticsAuthors: Aydogdy Kurbanov
- Unpublished and rare coins of the Golden Horde from the site of Nizhny Dzhulat (North Caucasus)Authors: Vladimir Sitnik; Valentin Lebedev
- The military camp of Charles XII at Varniţa near the Bender FortressAuthors: Alexandru Levinschi; Eugen Sava
- Chronicle of monetary findings (VII)Authors: Ana Boldureanu
- Comment on “The Earliest Horse Harnessing and Milking”Authors: Pavel Kosintsev; Pavel Kuznetsov
- About some assertions on the spread of Greek amphorae in the Getae worldAuthors: Natalia Mateevici