Archived Papers for Journal
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Vol.15, No.2
Publisher: Universidad de Guadalajara / Sistema de Universidad Virtual
Publishing Date: 2023-09-30
- Educational computing to assess decision-making learning in university studentsAuthors: Martha Angélica Maldonado Vargas; Juan Pablo Ucán Pech
- Gamification and ubiquitous learning in higher education: applying learning stylesAuthors: Edith Olivo García; Reyna Moreno Beltrán; Raquel Mondragón Huerta
- Student assessment of their mathematical education in a postgraduate course in administrationAuthors: Édgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa
- Emergency remote teaching during the covid-19 pandemic: Experiences among Mexican university studentsAuthors: Alejandrina Bautista Jacobo; María Olga Quintana Zavala; Daniel González Lomelí
- Digital Competencies in University Students through Educational Innovations: A Review of the Current LiteratureAuthors: Irma Leticia Chávez-Márquez; Ana Isabel Ordóñez Parada; Carmen Romelia Flores Morales
- 3D printing as an educational tool for developing creative thinking: systematic reviewAuthors: Lorena Cabrera Frías; Diana Margarita Córdova Esparza
- Effective Strategies for Finding Open Educational Resources in High SchoolAuthors: Ruth García Solano; Juan Manuel González Calleros; Iván Olmos Pineda
- The integration of technology in university teachers following the TPACK ModelAuthors: Dulce Elena López Sánchez; Guadalupe González Romero
- Education Policies for the Integration of ICT in the Mexican National Education SystemAuthors: Zaira Navarrete Cazales