Archived Papers for Journal
PAAKAT: Revista de Tecnología y Sociedad >>
Vol.13, No.24
Publisher: Universidad de Guadalajara-México
Publishing Date: 2023-02-27
- MSMEs and e-commerce in MexicoAuthors: Adriana Zambrano Martínez; Priscila Ortega Gómez
- The challenges of the new internet business entrepreneurs in a postpandemic worldAuthors: José Gabriel Aguilar Barceló; Ana Bárbara Mungaray Moctezuma; Ronal Mahecha Guerra
- The consumption information and political interactive conversation on the attitudes and political participation of young people in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Pre-election scenario 2018Authors: Juan de Dios Martínez Villareal; Alma Rosa Saldierna Salas; Felipe Marañón Lazcano
- Proposal for a system of indicators to measure trust and engagement on the Internet. Application in analysis of Disney Spain CompanyAuthors: Inmaculada Martín Herrera; María José Herencia Cuenca
- Computer crimes in Mexico. Recognition in the criminal laws of the Mexican entitiesAuthors: Miryam Georgina Alcalá Casillas; Miguel Ángel Melendez Ehrenzweig
- The digitalization of cultural experiences in physical and hybrid spaces prior to covid-19Authors: Otniel López Altamirano