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RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre >>

Vol.-, No.23

Publisher: „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Publishing Date: 2017-12-31

  1. A Test Facility for Verification of Length Measurements

    Authors: O. Arabatzi N. Kοuvas V. Pagounis M. Tsakiri

  2. Aspects Regarding External Stresses on Dams During Yhe Years 2000 – 2016. Case Study – 22 Reservoirs in Prut – Bârlad Catchment

    Authors: I. Balan L. Crenganiș F. Corduneanu

  3. Registration of Land Rights Depending on the Evolution of Land Legislation

    Authors: I. Botnarenco E. Zubco

  4. Specifics of the Real Estate Market Development

    Authors: A. Carcea

  5. Assessment of Hydromorphological and Hydrodynamic Alterations Caused by Anthropogenic Interventions on the Riverbed. Case Study Danube Bala Branch New Bottom Sill

    Authors: C. Cârstinoiu G. Deak B. Urițescu G. Tudor A.F. Nicolae A.Ș. Zamfir T. Dănălache M. Olteanu M. Raischi

  6. Study of Deflection of the Vertical Determination Methods and the Influence on the Traditional Terrestrial Three-Dimensional Geodetic Measurements

    Authors: V. Chiriac

  7. A GIS Approach Regarding Tourism Suitability of Wetland Areas of Romania

    Authors: N. Ciobotaru T. Lupei L. Laslo M. Matei M. Boboc A.M. Velcea D. Gyorgy

  8. The use of the Network Analyst Extension for the Organization and Optimization of Transport in Roman Municipality

    Authors: L. Crengăniș C. Bofu I. Balan

  9. Establishment of a Gravimetric Polygon of Calibration in Sinaia, Prahova County

    Authors: R.D.N. Crișan C. Erhan N. Avramiuc M. Flueraș C.M. Burada D.C. Andrei

  10. Specific Issues Applying the Law 165/2013

    Authors: C. Didulescu G. Badea A.C. Badea A. Savu

  11. Acquiring and Processing of Field Information Based on UAV, GNSS and GIS Technologies

    Authors: M.V. Herbei G. Popescu A. Smuleac C.A. Popescu

  12. Analysis of Land Cover Changes Using Sentinel-1 Data. Case Study- Galati County, Romania

    Authors: N. Iurist Dumitrașcu E. Oniga F. Statescu C. Bartic Lazar

  13. Drought and Irrigations of Romanian Agricultural Areas

    Authors: L. Laslo N. Ciobotaru T. Lupei M. Matei A.M. Velcea M. Boboc G. Badea D. Gyorgy

  14. Monitoring Special Urban Installations with the GIS Model

    Authors: I. Lateș M. Luca Ş. Chirica

  15. Solving the Procedural Stage Regarding the Land That are Pending at the Courts Through the Contribution of the Expert in the Field of Cadastre

    Authors: A.A. Lazăr D. Pădure

  16. Update of the Topographic Parameters of the Structural Elements to the Pipes Networks

    Authors: M. Luca A. L. Luca D. Toma F. Tămăşanu

  17. Using NBUI to Extract Built-up Area in Iaşi Municipality Area, Romania

    Authors: P. Macarof C.G. Bartic Lazăr F. Stătescu

  18. GIS Database for Mining. Case Study: Dealul Hulei-Mateiaș Limestone Quarry

    Authors: C.S. Manu L.O. Filip D.F. Tivig I. Boroica I.C. Ciuculescu

  19. Development of a Bathymetric Model for Danube Bala Branch-Old Danube Bifurcation

    Authors: A.F. Nicolae P.L. Georgescu G. Deák A.Ş. Zamfir G. Tudor C. Cîrstinoiu B. Uriţescu M. Raischi M. Olteanu

  20. Development of a Direct Calculation Algorithm of the Horizontal Strain Vector of the Studied Construction, Using Conditional Geodetic Measurements

    Authors: G. Nistor C. Onu D. Pădure I.C. Greșiță

  21. Study of the Stability Over Time of Microtriangulation Network Station Points, Used as a Reference System for the Determination of the Horizontal Deformations Vector of the Studied Constructions

    Authors: G. Nistor C. Onu D. Pădure I.C. Greșiță

  22. Implementation of Agriculture Cadastre in an Administrative Territory

    Authors: L. Oprea M. Bârsan

  23. LiDAR Applications Based on LAKI II Project

    Authors: I.M. Pârvu I.A. Cuibac Picu A.G. Pârvu M. Dogaru

  24. Increasing the Accuracy Of Parameters For Hydrotechnical Nodes Determination Using GIS

    Authors: P. Pleşca V. Mocreac G. Sandulache O. Mocreac

  25. The Influence of the Environment on Real Estate Appraisal

    Authors: V. Roib I. Roib

  26. Real Estate-Urban Geographical Information System of a Municipality

    Authors: G. Salceanu G. Nistor C. Onu D. Pădure C. Hutanu

  27. Implementation of Systematic Cadastre in an Administrative Territory

    Authors: G.E.Voicu F.Voicu

  28. Combined Multi-beam Echo Sounder and Acoustic Doppler Profiler Mapping of the Danube-Epurasu Branch in Order to Determine the Influence of Newly Constructed Hydrotehnical Structures

    Authors: S. Zamfir G. Deák M. Raischi A. Nicolae L. Georgescu N. Raischi A. Cristea G. Badea M. Olteanu L. Lumînăroiu E. Pană C. Cîrstinoiu B. Urițescu T. Dănălache

  29. Integrity of Land Relations and Terrestrial Measurements Within the Multifunctionality of Cadastre

    Authors: E. Zubco I. Botnarenco