Archived Papers for Journal
RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre >>
Vol.-, No.37
Publisher: „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Publishing Date: 2024-12-31
- Technical Aspects of Spatial Data Preparation within the Marine Administration System as Support for the Sustainable Development of the Blue EconomyAuthors: N. Avramiuc C.M. Brebeuță S. Bălan
- Estimating the Market Value of the Land and Separately, the Building, of a Real Estate Property Designated for Office SpaceAuthors: M.D. Ban D. Răboj
- Comparative Analysis of Geodetic Surveys for Volume DeterminationAuthors: D. Botnaru V. Muntean A. Vlasenco L. Nistor-Lopatenco G.C. Vlad
- The Need To Create a 3D CadastreAuthors: C.M. Cîmpean M.D. Isac D.L. Manea
- Web GIS and Cloud Computing for Defense Decision MakingAuthors: G.I. Dorobanțu A.C. Badea
- Mathematical Model for Processing Two-Dimensional Geodetic Networks Using Classical and Satellite TechnologiesAuthors: L.M. Ionescu A.Ș. Ilie M. Plopeanu
- The Temporal Evolution, Dynamics and Current Status of Pharmacies in Sibiu County Using Free GIS ResourcesAuthors: V. Iordache C. Cristea
- Topo-Cadastral Works Carried Out for the Performance of the Systematic Cadastral in the Cadastral Sector No. 2 from the Location of Marpod, Sibiu CountyAuthors: I.T. Marin Hadăr M.E. Koncsag
- Monitoring Constructions Behavior Using Spatial Geodetic TechnologiesAuthors: A.A. Meșteru A.Ș. Ilie C. Cristea
- Study on the Influence of Reference Data on the Processing of Geodetic Monitoring NetworksAuthors: R.A. Moazeni A.Ș. Ilie M. Plopeanu
- Digital Transformation and Innovation in The Republic of MoldovaAuthors: M. Ovdii L. Nistor-Lopatenco E. Zubco
- A Navigation RetrospectiveAuthors: A. Sărăcin
- The Current Trends in NavigationAuthors: A. Sărăcin
- Producing Digital Photogrammetric Products from Data Acquired Using Kinematic GNSS MethodsAuthors: A.I. Stoica A.Ș. Ilie E.A. Alexandrescu
- The Study of the Degree of Silt Sedimentation in the Public Reservoirs of the Republic of MoldovaAuthors: E. Tiganu V. Grama A. Vlasenco L. Nistor-Lopatenco
- The Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Monitoring the Cricova Underground Mine in the Republic of MoldovaAuthors: E. Țîganu D. Țîganu A. Vlasenco L. Nistor-Lopatenco
- Analysis of Several Map Georeferencing MethodsAuthors: A. Toaca D. Vasilca
- The Influence of the Projection Plane Altitude on the Distortions in Oblique Double Conical Map ProjectionsAuthors: D. Vasilca