Archived Papers for Journal
Avrasya İncelemeleri Dergisi-Journal of Eurasian Studies >>
Vol.3, No.2
Publisher: Research Institute of Turkology-Istanbul University
Publishing Date: 2016-02-01
- EMÎR (MELİK) GAZİ (1104-1134) - Ameer (Malik) Ghāzī (1104-1134)Authors: Muharrem KESİK
- NEFS-İ ŞAM ÖRNEĞİNDE GAYRİMÜSLİMLERİN NÜFÛS VE MESLEKLERİNE DAİR BİR ARAŞTIRMA (1674-1700) - A Study on Population and Occupations of Non-Muslims in Damascus between 1674 and 1700Authors: Oğuzhan SAMIKIRAN
- II. ABDÜLHAMİD DEVRİNDE ISTANBUL MEDRESELERİNDEKİ ÖĞRENCİLERİN CERR FAALİYETLERİ - Internship Activity (Cerr) of the Students at the Istanbul Madrasas during Abdulhamid II PeriodAuthors: Hümmet KANAL
- AB ENTEGRASYON SÜRECİNDE EGEMENLİK VE SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR HAKKINDA TEORİK TARTIŞMALAR - Theoretical Discussions on Sovereignty and Social Policies in the EU Integration ProcessAuthors: Murat ALAKEL; N. Nevra ESENTÜRK