Archived Papers for Journal
Pediatric Urology Case Reports >>
Vol.4, No.3
Publishing Date: 2017-05-01
- Penile hair tourniquet syndrome: A case report and review of literatureAuthors: Virender Sekhon; Nitin J Peters; JK Mahajan
- Y-type urethral duplication with posterior perineal fistula: A new variantAuthors: Sandesh V Parelkar; Beejal Sanghvi; Rahul Kumar Gupta; Arjun Apparao Pawar
- Mitrofanoff urinary diversion in a patient with cerebral palsyAuthors: Sayalee S Narwade; Ajit S Sawant; Ashwin S Tamhankar; Sunil R Patil; Kaushik R Patil
- Ureteral valve masquerading as obstructive megaureterAuthors: Sushmita Bhatnagar
- A rare form of crossed nonfused renal ectopia, multicystic dysplasia: A case reportAuthors: Carolina Talini; Letícia Alves Antunes; Bruna Cecília Neves de Carvalho; Jéssica Romanelli; André Luis Fortes Alves; Rafaela Galli; Karin Barszcz; Ricardo Possagno; Even Mol; Luís Fernando Garbuio; Ayrton Alves Aranha Junior
- Acute bilateral ureteral obstruction following Dextranomer/hyaluronic acid polymer injection: A case reportAuthors: Arnon Lavi; Sharon Tzemah; Alon Mashiah; Zvi Katz; Michael Cohen