Archived Papers for Journal
The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication >>
Vol.15, No.1
Publisher: The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
Publishing Date: 2015-02-28
- An Access Control Method considering Semantic Context for Privacy-preservingAuthors: Woo-Jun Kang
- Security Analysis and Improvement of Integrated Security Management SystemAuthors: Kyung-Shin Kim
- Proposal for Evacuee Guidance of Cloud-based Elevator System in Emergency SituationAuthors: Jun-Ho Choi; Seung-Jung Shin
- A Study of Performance Evaluation Standard for Scanned Cartoon Book Identification TechnologyAuthors: Hee-Don Yoon; Tae-Hyun Kim; Ho-Gab Kang; Seong-Hwan Cho
- A Study on Copyright Protection Method of Web Image ContentsAuthors: Yeong-Hun Yi; Man-Gi Cho; Seong-Hwan Cho
- Performance Analysis of the Encryption Algorithms in a Satellite Communication Network based on H-ARQAuthors: Won Ho Jeong; Bong-Gu Yeo; Ki-Hong Kim; Sang-Hyun Park; Sang-Woon Yang; Jeong-Seok Lim; Kyung-Seok Kim
- Performance Analysis of a Satellite Communication System based on IPsec VPNAuthors: Won-Ho Jeong; Lan-Mi Hwang; Ki-Hong Kim; Sang-Hyun Park; Sang-Woon Yang; Jeong-Seok Lim; Kyung-Seok Kim
- An Efficient Bot Detection Mechanism in SmartphonesAuthors: Ujin Choe; Jiyeon Park; Jinman Jung; Junyoung Heo; Gwangil Jeon
- Design of Restaurant Advertisement and Order System using Bluetooth 4.0 TechnologyAuthors: Byungho Cho
- System Implement to Identify Copyright Infringement Based on the Text Reference PointAuthors: Kyung-Ung Choi; Soon-Cheol Park; Seung-Won Yang
- A Study on Construction of On & Off Marketplace for global distribution of broadcasting contentsAuthors: Jong-Bae Ahn
- Channel Allocation Method of DAB System considering National SFNAuthors: Sang-Lim Ju; Kyu-Tae Yang; Hyoungsoo Lim; Kyung-Seok Kim
- Method for Hybrid Cooperative Sharing applied Automatic Request ProtocolAuthors: Hyung-Yun Kong
- New Method of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing for Interference MitigationAuthors: Hyung-Yun Kong
- Capacity of Opportunistic Incremental Relaying System Controlled by Truncated Power in Rayleigh Fading ChannelsAuthors: Nam-Soo Kim
- Energy Improvement of WSN Using The Stochastic Cluster Head SelectionAuthors: Jong-Yong Lee
- A Performance Evaluation of VSS-MMA Adaptive Equalization Algorithm using the Non-Linear Fuction of Error Signal for QAM SystemAuthors: Seung-Gag Lim
- A Performance Comparison of VSCA and VSDA Adaptive Equalization Algorithm using Distance Adjusted Approach in QAM SignalAuthors: Seung Gag Lim
- A Hazardous Substance Monitoring Sensor Network Using Multiple Robot VehicleAuthors: Jeongmyong Chun; Samok Kim; Sanghu Lee; Seokhoon Yoon
- Extended Entity-Relationship Model for Conceptual Modeling of XML SchemaAuthors: In-Hwan Jung; Young-Ung Kim
- Enhanced image detail control using Multi Channel Unsharp Mask TechniqueAuthors: Hyun-ji Cho; Doohee Nam
- A Study on Sizing and Operational Policies for Building the Cloud Training Portal System of Cyber UniversitiesAuthors: Jung-Ho Park
- Target Path Detection Algorithm Using Activation Time Lag of PDR Sensors Based on USNAuthors: Jaeil Lee; Chong Hyun Lee; Jinho Bae
- Proposition on Five Sense Smart Screen Elevator System based on Laser DisplayAuthors: Joo-Bong Park; Seung-Jung Shin
- Gaze Recognition System using Random Forests in Vehicular Environment based on Smart-PhoneAuthors: Byung-Hun Oh; Kwang-Woo Chung; Kwang-Seok Hong
- A Study on PDOP due to the Position Error of Acoustic Sensors in the 3D TDOA Positioning SystemAuthors: Jongtaek Oh
- Sudoku AlgorithmAuthors: Sang-Un Lee
- A Study on Generation and Types of Mandelbrot Fractal ImagesAuthors: Mi-Jeong Lim; Hyong-Je Cho
- Design and Development of Framework for Local Heavy Rainfall Forecasting Service using Wireless Data BroadcastingAuthors: Seokjin Im; JinTak Choi
- Design of Open Gateway Framework for Personalized Healing Data AccessAuthors: YoungJun Jeon; SeokJin Im; HeeJoung Hwang
- Implementation of Multi-Motor Controller Based on a Single MicrocontrollerAuthors: Jae-Min Kwon; Kyung-Jung Lee; Hyun-Sik Ahn
- Design of a PWM-Controlled Driving Device for Backlightsof LED SystemsAuthors: Kee-Hong Um
- Design of Semiconductor-Operated Bidirectional Transformers Driven by Polarities of Alternating Voltage SourcesAuthors: Kee-Hong Um
- Diffraction Analysis of Multi-layered Grating Structures using Rigorous Equivalent Transmission-Line TheoryAuthors: Kwang-Chun Ho
- Proof Algorithm of Erdös-Faber-Lovász ConjectureAuthors: Sang-Un; Lee
- UI Design Survey of Mobile App for the Activation of Traditional MarketAuthors: Joo-Hee Lee
- Feasibility Study of Product Information Design at Internet shopping sitesAuthors: Joo-Hee Lee
- Activation Plan for Online Shopping Mall of Kids' FurnitureAuthors: Eun-Young Jang; Sang-Joon Lee; Kyeong-Rak Lee; Sang-Hyun Lee