Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) >>
Vol.9, No.2
Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism, COES&RJ LLC
Publishing Date: 2020-04-01
- The Impact of Renewable Energy Investment on Economic GrowthAuthors: Harith Hadi Mohammed AlDarraji Amir Bakir Dr.
- Prequalification and Classification System for Enterprises in Public Sector of Jordanian E-governmentAuthors: Dima Alrwashdeh Heba Alrawashdeh Issam Hamad Alhadid Sufian Khwaldeh Dr.
- The foundations of societal security deduced from Surat Al-BaqaraAuthors: Tamam Odeh Alassaf
- Causes that Alter the prohibition from this apparent meaning according to Imam Abu Al-Walid Al-BajiAuthors: Muath Muhammad Aldeihani AbdAllah Ali Mahmood Alsaifee Dr.
- The Populist Tendency in Shi’a IslamAuthors: Amal Abdullah Al-Neimat Ali Miqdadi Al-Hatimi Dr
- The abuse of the right and its impact on the door to the banquetAuthors: Abdullah Hizam Fahid Al-Ajmi Ridina Ibrahim Al-Rifai Dr.
- The types of escape in the Holy Quran and its faith significanceAuthors: Marwa Mahmoud Kharma Dr.
- The Impact of Global Innovation on Economic Growth in Developing CountriesAuthors: Saleh Abdul Mola Al-Zaroog Amer Abdul Fatah Baqir Dr.
- Arbitration of oil contracts in oil-producing Arab CountriesAuthors: Mousa Sami Al-Qaaida
- The Effect of Export Diversification on the Economic Growth of West-Asian Arab CountriesAuthors: Ibrahim Qasem Alshomaly Walid Shawaqfeh Dr.
- Entre la guerra y la cocina: La metáfora en el discurso periodístico español desde la perspectiva de la lingüística cognitivaAuthors: Abdullah M. Al.Amar Dr
- The Impact of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems on Internal Auditors’Operational Performance (Case study in Jordanian Banks)Authors: Sulaiman R. Weshah
- The concept and scope of restorative justice for juveniles According to the Islamic and Jordanian LegislationsAuthors: Ebtisam Al-Saleh Kefah Al-Soury Hanan Al-Daher Dr.
- The Associations among Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices, Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices and Competitive AdvantagesAuthors: Hadeel Fareed Tawalbeh Mais Jaradat
- The Impact of Talent Management on Organizational Effectiveness in Healthcare SectorAuthors: Haneen Yassin Mais Jaradat
- Housing Patterns from the Perspective of the Provisions of Regulation and Housing Density: Salt City as Case StudyAuthors: Suhad Isaaf Al-Azab Othman M. Ghnaim Dr.
- The ability of cash flows to predict the earningAuthors: Omar Alhawatmeh Dr.
- Earning Management AND International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) Implementation Process: Empirical StudyAuthors: Omar Alhawatmeh Dr.