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Vestnik RUDN. International Relations >>

Vol.24, No.4

Publisher: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Publishing Date: 2024-12-29

  1. Historical Policy of Kazakhstan in the Space of Russia’s Southern Border: Identity, Discourse, Commemoration Using the Example of the Astrakhan Region

    Authors: Mikhail Volkhonskiy;Akhmet Yarlykapov

  2. The Specificity of Afghan Identity in the Context of Globalization

    Authors: Georgy Machitidze

  3. The Azerbaijani Factor in the Clash of the Iranian and Turkish ‘Crescents’: A ‘Geopolitical New Moon’ in the South Caucasus

    Authors: Mirmehdi Aghazada

  4. The Problem of the GDR’s Foreign Policy Identity in the Context of Initiatives in Africa in the 1960s - 1980s

    Authors: Natalia Ivkina

  5. New Zealand’s Foreign Policy Balancing of China and the United States in the Indo-Pacific Region: Narratives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Annual Reports

    Authors: Greg Simons;Marina Glaser (Kukartseva)

  6. Geopolitics of Connectivity: The EU in Central Asia

    Authors: Sergey Mazanik;Tatiana Romanova

  7. Foreign Policy Image of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Mass Media of the United Kingdom

    Authors: Olga Vikhrova;Iaroslava Gorlova

  8. Latin American Disintegration under Jair Bolsonaro During Brazilian Chancellor Ernesto Araujo’s Mandate, 2019-2021

    Authors: Ana Esteves

  9. Peacekeeping Strategies and the Role of Rwanda in the Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

    Authors: Svetlana Bokeriya;Manasa Mahapa;Anita Kiamba

  10. Migration Crisis in West Africa: Limits and Prospects of Political Regulation

    Authors: Ivan Zakharov;Maksim Agafoshin;Stanislav Gorokhov

  11. The Epochal Crisis of Global Capitalism

    Authors: William Robinson

  12. The Russian-Indian Scientific and Technological Cooperation in the First Decade of the 21st Century

    Authors: Konstantin Kurylev;Larisa Chereshneva;Mariia Starikova;Liudmila Belousova

  13. Book Review: Mezhevich, N. M., & Shimov, V. V. (2024). Belarus: Transformation and Modernization. Post-Soviet Development Results. Moscow: Institut Evropy RAN publ., 124 p. (In Russian)

    Authors: Nadezhda Smolik

  14. Book Review: Ingram, N., & Bouchard, C. (Eds.). (2022). Beyond the Great War: Making Peace in a Disordered World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 239 p.

    Authors: Igor Bogomolov