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RUDN Journal of Political Science >>

Vol.26, No.2

Publisher: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Publishing Date: 2024-07-03

  1. The Value-Worldview Foundations of Politics: Conceptual Understanding and Prospects for Empirical Study. Introducing the Issue

    Authors: Antonina Selezneva

  2. Political Orientations of Russians: Strategies for Modern Research

    Authors: Maksim Yakovlev

  3. The Role of the Value Basis in the Context of Waging Non-Kinetic Wars: Methodological Prerequisites for Analysis

    Authors: Alexander Kurochkin

  4. The Manipulative Potential of Mass Culture as a Tool for the Political Influence

    Authors: Sergey Belov

  5. Axiological foundations of Russian statehood: freedom and truth in the ideological and political discourse of the 11-17th centuries

    Authors: Aleksandr Strakhov;Artyom Boronin

  6. The Crisis of Russian National-state Identity in the Late 20th - Early 21st Centuries: Factors, Specifics, Representations

    Authors: Sergey Rastorguev;Viktor Titov

  7. Images of “Us” and “Others” as a Factor in the Identification of Citizens in the Context of the Reintegration of the Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation

    Authors: Tatiana Evgenieva;Natalia Smulkina

  8. Imagining the Russian Nation: Who, According to the Residents of Russia, Constitute Russian Society, and Can an Outsider Become its Member?

    Authors: Evgeni Varshaver;Nataliya Ivanova;Tatiana Egorova

  9. Instruments of State Identity Policy in the Contemporary World

    Authors: Olga Popova;Nikolay Grishin

  10. A Hundred Thousand “Me” in One “We”: Collective and Individual in the Russian Youth Worldview

    Authors: Antonina Selezneva;Dinara Tulegenova

  11. Dynamics of Value Priorities of Russian Youth in Modern Geopolitical Conditions

    Authors: Yaroslava Shashkova;Dmitry Kazantsev

  12. The Image of the Future in the Subjective Space of Politics of New Citizens of the Russian Federation: Experience of Empirical Research of Youth in New Regions

    Authors: Irina Samarkina;Igor Bashmakov;Daniil Kolozov

  13. Student Youth’s Evasion of Socio-Political Activity: Causes, Forms, and Ways of Involvement

    Authors: Alexander Sokolov;Alexander Frolov;Papik Babajanyan

  14. Risks, Threats, and Challenges of Introducing Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Algorithms into the Contemporary System of Socio-Political Communications: The Results of Expert Study

    Authors: Sergey Volodenkov;Sergey Fedorchenko;Nikolai Pechenkin

  15. Platform as a Factor of Digital Imperialism in the Russian Information Space

    Authors: Denis Martyanov;Galina Lukyanova

  16. The Dynamics of the «Threat to National Security» Pattern in the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin’s Rhetoric in the Context of Public Mood of Russians

    Authors: Roman Savenkov;Anna Travyankina