RUDN Journal of Political Science (ISSN: 2313-1438)
PublisherPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending
- Bulletin - Société canadienne de science politique & Canadian Political Science Association
- Political science
- New Political Science
RUDN Journal of Political Science is a specialized peer-reviewed scientific journal established in 1999 published quarterly. The Editorial Board of the Journal includes renowned political scientists from Russia, Canada, Germany, France, Portugal, the USA, and Kazakhstan.The mission of the Journal is a broad exchange of scientific information and results of theoretical and empirical studies by researchers from different fields of Political science: Comparative Politics, Political History, Political Sociology, as well as Political Philosophy and Political Psychology – both in Russia and abroad.
The purpose of the journal is boosting research efficiency in the field of Political Science developing scientific, editorial and publishing activities as well as disseminating and approbating modern techniques and the latest achievements in the field to accomplish the mission of a modern classical university.
This purpose shapes the principal objectives of the journal:
conceptualization of political problems, trends and tasks and further development of political self-consciousness and political culture;
providing the researchers with an opportunity of free expression and exposition of their vision of political processes and institutions within the framework of scientific discourse while allowing a critical review of political problems through the prism of certain concepts, aspects, and approaches;
cooperation with Russian and foreign academic and educational institutions to expand the information field and promote the exchange of scientific knowledge;
in publications, materials should be selected with attention to the specificity of RUDN University in general and topics of participating countries in particular;
expanding the authors' cooperation network;
promoting the image and helping to further recognition of the journal by expanding its range of influence;
advancing the journal in the market of scientific periodical reviewed works;
using the published materials in research and educational process at Political Science departments of Russian and foreign higher educational establishments as well as within the Human Sciences framework.
The journal is designed for publishing the results of independent and original research works by scientists, lecturers of universities and other scientific centers in the form of articles, review materials, scientific reports, and bibliographical reviews on certain subjects and within selected scientific areas. The journal provides overall coverage of political processes in Russia and the contemporary world. At the same time, following the principal scientific trends of the department, priority is given to Russia-related studies: the political history of Russia; Russia in the system of international relations; political thought and methods of Political Science research. Particular attention is paid to the problems of social and state development of contemporary Russia. Research is based on the principles of methodological pluralism and the interdisciplinary approach, as well as studies of international relations and dialogue of civilizations in the context of ongoing changes in the global landscape. Concurrently, traditional methodological tools of Political Science are being reconsidered.
Our Journal
aims at informing the readers about contemporary theories and ideas in political science;
contributes to the convergence of science and practice, provides opportunities for applying research results to solve political and social problems;
aims at developing active communication within the academic community creating opportunities for open and creative discussions to improve the quality of scientific papers;
seeks to develop international cooperation, promotion of research findings of Russian authors in the international professional community;
provides the widest possible representation of authors and experts from different regions of Russia and foreign countries.
The articles of the Journal are grouped under ‘floating' sections (specifically selected to structure the main topics of each issue), with the following basic rubrics:
Political Process in Contemporary Russia: Prospects and Trends
Political Processes in the Contemporary World
Current Problems of Political Science
Regional Politics in Russia
Political Problems of the Globalizing World
Politics and Religion
Academic Life
The section titles are generally loosely formulated so that, despite the obvious theoretical focus of most articles (a principal feature distinguishing a scientific journal), in each section we can publish articles varying substantially in their area of study and subject matter, conceptual focus, methodological tools of empirical research, the country of origin and disciplinary affiliation.
On the pages of the journal, one can find works on the current status and development trends of higher education system of different countries in a macro-institutional context; publications on the historiography of classical and modern periods of the global social thought; essays on the results of fundamental and applied research work and articles devoted to the problems described in special sociological theories; translations of works by well-known scientists that are significant for sociological discourse; or articles reflecting difficulties in choosing a system of methods applicable for study of complex social phenomena, etc.
We publish articles by authors who represent leading research centers, institutes, organizations, and universities in Russia and abroad.
The target audience of the Journal is researchers who study various political problems at theoretical and empirical levels, lecturers in Political Science and other Social and Human Sciences, and graduate and postgraduate students. The Journal can be useful for decision-making experts, information and analytical departments of governments, political and public organizations, and commercial institutions.
The main requirement for the published articles is their compliance in content and style with demands made for highly professional scientific publications in Political Science. An “explaining” manner of writing with some elements of epistolary imagery is also expected. Articles are accepted for publication only if they meet the requirements for manuscripts (see: Author Guidelines), successfully go through the peer-review process (see: Peer Review Process), comply with the international standards of publication ethics (see: Publishing Ethics).
RUDN Journal of Political Science publishes articles in both Russian and English, which reflects the Editorial Board's commitment to active international cooperation, promotion and further strengthening of the positions and achievements in the field of Political Science.
Last modified: 2019-08-20 22:47:45
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