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- The relevance of problem benchmarks in police activity
Authors: Irina S. Pashko
- Peculiarities of proof in cases of division of joint marital property
Authors: Nataliia O. Ryzhenko
- Mathematical model for synergistic purification in portable water device
Authors: Oleksandr H. Haiduchok
- Prerequisites for developing an information support system for freight transportation of agricultural waste
Authors: Olena V. Borysiak
- Dynamic updating of association rules in intelligent e-commerce recommendation systems
Authors: Nadiia M. Boliubash; Oleksandr M. Khodzitskyi
- Investigation of software simulators for modeling combinational circuits in microprocessor technology
Authors: Dmitriy V. Shvets
- Topographical poetry by M. Syngayivsky in the context of the literature of the Sixtiers
Authors: Inna Yu. Yurova
- Formation of a conceptual framework for interaction between local self-government bodies and non-governmental organizations in Ukraine
Authors: Аnna Yu. Munko
- The paradigm of partnership relations as the basis for the emergence and development of cross-cluster partnership
Authors: Maksym S. Mudryi
- European economic support for Ukraine: From stabilisation to recovery
Authors: Yaroslav M. Kostyuchenko