Archived Papers for Journal
The Journal of AgriSearch (JAS) >>
Vol.2, No.2
Publisher: Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy (SURE) Varanasi, INDIA
Publishing Date: 2015-06-01
- Pulses Production in India: Present Status,sent Status, Bottleneck and Way ForwardAuthors: ANIL KUMAR SINGH S S SINGH VED PRAKASH SANTOSH KUMAR S K DWIVEDI
- Estimation of Phenotypic Diversity of Soybean Genotypes Available in Sri Lanka for Varietal ImprovementAuthors: YADDEHIGE PRIYA JAYANTHA AMARASINGHE WIJESINGHE G R W PUSHPAKUMARA
- Effect of Different Phosphorus Level on Nutrient Content, Uptake and Economics of Urdbean under Custard Apple based Agri-Horti SystemAuthors: PRAVESH KUMAR SAURABH KUMAR PANDEY PRANAV KUMAR
- Drip irrigation and fertigation technology for improved yield, quality, water and fertilizer use efficiency in hybrid tomatoAuthors: AMAR JEET GUPTA M A CHATTOO LAL SINGH
- Soil Acidification due to Point Application of Fertilizers through Drip IrrigationAuthors: PRADIP KUMAR BORA LALA ISWARI PRASAD RAY
- Screening and identification of rice genotypes for drought tolerance at reproductive stage under rainfed lowland conditionAuthors: SANTOSH KUMAR S K DWIVEDI A A HARIS VED PRAKASH S MONDAL SHISHIR KANT SINGH
- Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Germplasm Evaluation and Genetic Divergence AnalysisAuthors: R K VERMA C B YADAV SHAILESH CHAND GAUTAM
- Energy Use Pattern and Scenario Change in Sugarcane (ratoon) Cultivation for Bhabar Region of Uttarakhand, IndiaAuthors: RAGHURAJ SINGH O P GUPTA S K PATEL
- Problems of Usage of Pesticides by Vegetable Growers of Kullu Valley in Himachal PradeshAuthors: RAM SINGH SUMAN SANDEEP KUMAR G.M.
- Crop production Sustainability in West Bengal: Risk proneness and crop insurance- A way forwardAuthors: RAMESH CHANDRA BHARATI ANIL K SINGH K M SINGH NARESH CHANDRA S P SINGH ABHAY KUMAR
- Impact of Pre- Sowing Seed Treatments on Seed Quality Attributes and Pod Yield in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)Authors: RABINDRA KUMAR VIJAY KUMAR SACHAN
- Evaluation of potential runner type ground nut variety for its suitability during summer cultivationAuthors: ANIL KUMAR SINGH VED PRAKASH NIDHI VERMA
- Green Energy Sources for Sustainable Development and Environmental ProtectionAuthors: M K GHOSAL BIKASH SARKAR R K DAS
- Intra cellular pH flux and cyclosis in plant cells under abiotic stressAuthors: YASIN JESHIMA KHAN