Archived Papers for Journal
The Journal of AgriSearch (JAS) >>
Vol.3, No.3
Publisher: Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy (SURE) Varanasi, INDIA
Publishing Date: 2016-09-19
- Assessment of Soil Fertility Augmenting Potential of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) Germplasm and their PerformanceAuthors: ANIL KUMAR SINGH M K MEENA RASHMI YADAV Y J KHAN
- Maximization of Seed Size Tubers in Potato through Manipulation of Intra Row Spacing, Nitrogen Levels and Crop Duration under Irrigated Condition in Indo –Gangetic Plains of BiharAuthors: S KUMAR SINGH RAJ KUMAR SINGH
- Improving Wheat and Soil Productivity Through Integrated Nutrient Management and Efficient Planting SystemAuthors: BHARAT LAL MEENA ANIL KUMAR SINGH B S PHOGAT H B SHARMA
- Effects of Cattle Urine and FYM on Soil Properties and Yield of BroccoliAuthors: REENA SHARMA SHREE CHANDRA SHAH KESHAV RAJ ADHIKARI PRADEEP SHAH JIBAN SHRESHTA
- Increasing the Productivity and Profitability of Paddy through Front Line Demonstrations in Irrigated Agro Ecosystem of Kaymore Platue and Satpura HillsAuthors: DHANANJAI SINGH AKHILESH KUMAR PATEL SHIV KUMAR SINGH MAHENDRA SINGH BAGHEL
- Effect of Crop Levels and Pruning Timing on Bunch and Berry Parameters of Cabernet Sauvignon GrapesAuthors: AJAY KUMAR SHARMA R G SOMKUWAR K BANERJEE SATISHA JOGAIAH
- Factors contributing invasion of Alien Invasive Species prosopis juliflora in Bundala National Park in Sri LankaAuthors: DISNA PIUMRAVINI RATNASEKERA
- Influence of Abiotic Factors and Hosts on Seasonal Dynamic of Green Lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens)Authors: POOJA KHULBE ARVIND KUMAR
- Pulses Production in Bihar: An Overview of Constraints and OpportunitiesAuthors: PUSHPA SINGH BRAJESH SHAHI K M SINGH
- Increasing Productivity Of Vegetables Through Front-line DemonstrationsAuthors: RAM SINGH SUMAN
- Effectiveness of Seed Processing Machinery on Seed Quality Improvement in Paddy (Oryza sativa L.)Authors: RABINDRA KUMAR
- Role of Private Advisory Services in Agricultural Extension: A ReviewAuthors: KRISHNA MURARI SINGH BRAJESH SHAHI PUSHPA SINGH