Archived Papers for Journal
The Journal of AgriSearch (JAS) >>
Vol.4, No.4
Publisher: Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy (SURE) Varanasi, INDIA
Publishing Date: 2017-11-30
- Extent and Pattern of Seed Setting in Faba Bean under Self and Open Pollination Arrangement and its Influence on Seed ProductionAuthors: ANIL KUMAR SINGH JESHIMA KHAN YASIN RAKESH KUMAR PREM KUMAR SUNDARAM
- Genetic variability correlation and path analysis in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) genotypesAuthors: R S MEENA LAD DHAKAR
- Lethal Dose (LD50) Fixation and Sensitivity of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) to Gamma Radiation for Induction of MutationAuthors: ARVIND KUMAR VERMA
- Prediction of seedling establishment in coriander (coriandrum sativum L.) based on laboratory testsAuthors: RAJ KUMAR SINGH S S VERMA RAJESH KUMAR
- Effect of nutrient management practices in farmers field of Lowland rice for enhancement of Productivity, profitability and energetic under Mid altitude of NagalandAuthors: MANOJ KUMAR D J RAJKHOWA K L MEENA RAKESH KUMAR PATU K ZELIANG E LIRENI KIKON A NAMEI
- Response of Zinc Fertilization on Production and Profitability of Pearl millet (Pannisetum Glaucum) under Rainfed Condition of RajasthanAuthors: P S SHEKHAWAT NARENDRA KUMAWAT
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling of Lentil (Lens Culinaris) using CROPWAT 8.0 Model for Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaAuthors: JATOTH VEERANNA A K MISHRA
- Quality Assessment of Ashugonj Power Plant Disposal Water for Irrigation ApplicationAuthors: ABDUR RAZZAK PARSA SANJANA BELAL HOSSAIN DEBJIT ROY BIDHAN CHANDRA NATH
- Effect of Packaging Materials and Storage Condition on Keeping Quality of Bleached LacAuthors: SANJAY KUMAR PANDEY NIRANJAN PRASAD SATISH CHANDRA SHARMA SANJAY SRIVASTAVA
- Management of rice root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne graminicola) in aerobic rice by using botanicals under climatic variability and uncertaintyAuthors: NISHI KESHARI ANUPAMA KUMARI
- Evaluation of Different Fungicides against False Smut Disease of Rice (Oryza satival L.) in North BiharAuthors: SANJEEV KUMAR VINOD KUMAR D P MISHRA ERAYYA .
- Metallothioneins: Protein structure prediction and sequence analyses in Cajanus cajanAuthors: SAKSHI CHAUDHARY ANIL KUMAR SINGH JESHIMA KHAN YASIN
- Chemical Constituents in Some Promising Genotypes of Indian Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]Authors: SUNITA SINGH R P SINGH H K SINGH N A KHAN M K MAURYA
- Farmer’s Perception in Adoption of Conservation Agriculture practices in Madhubani District of Bihar, IndiaAuthors: UJJWAL KUMAR RAVI KANT CHAUBEY VED PRAKASH ABHAY KUMAR
- Nutrient Availability and Strategy to Enhance the Productivity of Animals in Ambedkar Nagar District of Uttar PradeshAuthors: VIDYA SAGAR HEMANT KUMAR SINGH S K SINGH
- Solar energy groundwater pumping: A sustainable solution to energy squeeze in smallholders’irrigation in IndiaAuthors: ATIQUR RAHMAN B P BHATT