Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Heart and Cardiology >>
Vol.3, No.2
Publisher: Ommega Publishers
Publishing Date: 2017-08-10
- Effects of enhanced external counter-pulsation therapy on QT dispersion in patients with heart failureAuthors: Ehsan Rashidi
- Upper Extremity Function after Transradial Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Short-Term Interim Results of the ARCUS StudyAuthors: Eva Zwaan Alexander JJ Ijsselmuiden Carlo. A.J Holtzer Eva M Zwaan Robert-Jan M van Geuns Niels van Royen Esther Moerman Giovanni Amoroso Marco J.PF. Ritt Ton A Schreuders Marcel J.M Kofflard
- Multiple giant left atrial thrombi in Mitral StenosisAuthors: Suma Victor Ramkumar S Ezhilan J