Archived Papers for Journal
Austin Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology >>
Vol.3, No.1
Publisher: Austin Publishing Group
Publishing Date: 2016-05-12
- Investigation of Forensic Glass Fractography made by Different AmmunitionAuthors: Waghmare NP; Lal A; Sahu K; Anand VR
- Challenging and Rare DNA Evidences Convicts the Accused in a High Profile Murder CaseAuthors: Ajay Kumar Rana; Nishant Kumar; Jahangir Imam; Mukund Kumar Sinha; Hridesh Kumar Sinha; Ramashankar Singh
- The Difficult Task of Interpreting Cut Marks, Gunshot Wounds and Ligature Marks on the Skin: A Cautionary NoteAuthors: Amadasi A; Cerutti E; Spagnoli L; Gibelli D; Gorio C; Cattaneo C
- There was Transparent Tranquility in the Old Surgeon- Patient Relationship unlike Today’s Troubles in the Courts: A Historical ReviewAuthors: Wilson I. B. Onuigbo C