International Archives of Integrated Medicine (IAIM) >>
Vol.5, No.6
Publisher: IAIM
Publishing Date: 2018-06-16
- A study of symptomatic choledochal cyst in South India
Authors: Allwin James Prem Kumar Karunakaran Rabindranath Eswaran Venkateswaran A R.
- Multi-parametric 3-Tesla MRI evaluation of prostate in cases with negative prostatic biopsy with raised PSA levels - A tertiary care hospital study
Authors: Aijaz Ahmad Hakeem Irshad Mohiuddin Tanvir Iqbal
- A clinical study of congenital cataract and its visual outcome at regional eye hospital, Warangal, Telangana
Authors: Rama Ashok K Haridev Kumar K.B. Chandra Bhanu
- A study on periampullary diverticula – 6 years ERCP experience from a referral centre
Authors: Rabindranath Eswaran Premkumar Karunakaran Allwin James Venkateswaran Arcot Rajeswaran Rajkumar Solomon
- Executive dysfunction in patients with idiopathic epilepsy
Authors: Kamera Sateesh Kumar Veena Narisetty Changala Praveen
- Pulmonary Arterial Enlargement is Associated with Acute Chest Pain in Patients without Coronary Artery Disease
Authors: Mallapu Gangadhara Reddy P. Sivaramakrishna
- Role of ultrasound guided transthoracic fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosing various lung lesions
Authors: P. Sivaramakrishna Mallapu Gangadhara Reddy
- Effect of electronic gadgets on cognitive milestones of children below 2 years of age
Authors: Sanjay Verma Nupur Suman Piyoosh Verma
- Cytohistological Correlation of Breast Tumors - A case study
Authors: Priyanka Poonam Preety Saha
- Oral manifestations associated with neutrophil deficiency and neutrophil disorders: A review
Authors: Archana Tangudu B. Badari Ramakrishna K.V.S.P. Gupta M.V. Mrudula Rahul Marshal Vaddeswarapu
- Maxillary canine impaction - A hitch in orthodontic treatment planning
Authors: G. Sunil I. Ranganayakulu R.S.V.M. Raghu Ram
- Corticotomy assisted orthodontic treatment – A boom to adult orthodontics
Authors: G. Sunil I. Ranganayakulu R.S.V.M. Raghu Ram Pathapati Srinivas Raju