Archived Papers for Journal
International Journal of Computer Techniques >>
Vol.5, No.5
Publisher: International Research Group
Publishing Date: 2018-10-01
- Text Classification on Dataset of Marine and Fisheries Sciences Domain using Random Forest ClassifierAuthors: Desi Ramayanti Umniy Salamah
- Naive Bayes Optimization Based On Particle Swarm Optimization to Predict the Decision of Insurance Customer CandidateAuthors: Saruni Dwiasnati Yudo Devianto
- Analysis Comparison of The Classification Data Mining Method to Predictthe Decisions of Potential Customer InsuranceAuthors: Reza Avrizal Arief Wibowo Angger Styo Yuniarti Deassy Ari Sandy Kamal Prihandani
- Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture:Intelligent Irrigation MonitoringAuthors: Kalai Mani.A Girija Magesh
- Enhancing Clustering Mechanism by Implementation of EM Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture ModelAuthors: RajvinderKaur ManinderKaur
- Employee Performance Appraisal System Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (Anfis): A Case Study of Amik Pakarti LuhurAuthors: Reza Sulistyawan Mohammad Syafrullah HadidtyoWisnu Wardani Novian Hendrianto
- Impact of Online Travel Booking Application Quality towards Purchase Intention in IndonesiaAuthors: Nur Ani Handrie Noprisson
- Determining Factors of Perceived Value, Trust and Innovativeness to Promote Purchase IntentionAuthors: Nur Ani Handrie Noprisson
- Design of System Agenda Module for Prospective Employee SelectionAuthors: Nia Rahma Kurnianda
- Naive Bayes Method For Process For Selection Of PPA Scholarship to Students: Case Study Of Informatics and Computer Management Academy Of Pakarti Luhur TangerangAuthors: Badrus Zaman Sapto Mardi Putro Krisna Adiyarta M Sri Wahyuningsih Pepi Permatasari