Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Dental Science and Therapy >>
Vol.2, No.1
Publisher: Verizona Publisher Limited
Publishing Date: 2018-01-01
- The Oral Cavity: A Reservoir that Favors Colonization and Selection of Candida parapsilosissensustricto Strains with High Pathogen Potential Under Conditions of Gingival-periodontal DiseaseAuthors: María L Rodríguez Alcira C Rosa Jennifer G Rodríguez María L Nastri; Virginia M Jewtuchowicz
- A Cost-effective Alternative for Handling All-ceramic Restoration During Evaluation and Cementation ProceduresAuthors: Victor Eduardo de Souza Batista
- Anatomical Variation of Canalis Sinuosus: Reports of Two CasesAuthors: Özlem Okumuş Z. Zuhal Yurdabakan; Semih Özbayrak