Archived Papers for Journal
Physical Sciences and Technology >>
Vol.6, No.34
Publisher: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Publishing Date: 2019-12-26
- Quantum methods in the development of new materialsAuthors: E. Son I. Abrikosov A. Khvan; P. Levashov
- Simulation of Coulomb particles collisions and calculation of Lyapunov exponent for bound orbitsAuthors: K.M. Turekhanova; A.M. Murat
- A new Java-based application in solar physicsAuthors: A. Sarsembayeva F. Belisarova M. Odsuren A. Sarsembay
- Generation of ultrahigh fields by microbubble implosionAuthors: M. Murakami A. Arefiev M.A. Zosa; J. Honrubia
- Plasma anisotropy around non-spherical conductive dust particlesAuthors: G. Sukhinin М. Salnikov; А. Fedoseev
- Development of effective potentials for complex plasmasAuthors: T.S. Ramazanov K.N. Dzhumagulova M.T. Gabdullin Zh.A. Moldabekov; T.N. Ismagambetova
- Thermal diagnostics of oil-filled equipment under operating voltageAuthors: B.R. Kangozhin S.S. Dautov Zharmagambetova; M.A. Kosilov
- Feasibility study of Tritium recoil barrier for neutron reflectorsAuthors: E.Ishitsuka; N.Sakamoto
- Influence of Cu impurities and surface temperature to the formation of thin a-C:H(Me) filmAuthors: Z. Rutkuniene
- Polymorphic phase transitions and recombination luminescence in ammonium halide crystalsAuthors: T.A. Koketayev; A.K. Tussupbekova