Archived Papers for Journal
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: Mohammed Irshad Hussain
Publishing Date: 2016-03-25
- Neuroprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Polyherbal Formulation on Streptozotocin Induced Alzheimer’s Disease in MiceAuthors: K Sharath Kumar; Nazia Begum; Rahul M Kakalij; Vasudha Bakshi
- Neuroprotective Effect of Garcinia Mangostana on Streptozotocin Induced Sporadic Type Alzheimer’s Disease in MiceAuthors: Avinash P; Arun Reddy R; Nazia Begum; Vasudha Bakshi
- Neuroprotective effect of Nevirapine on cerebral ischemic stroke by middle cerebral artery occlusion in wistar ratsAuthors: CH Maneesha Ram; Nazia Begum; Naveen Pathakala; Vasudha Bakshi
- Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anti Fungal Activity of Hexane and Methanol Extracts of Psoralea Corylifolea SeedAuthors: Sharath K; Krishna Mohan G; Sandhya Rani M; Kowmudi V; Suresh N
- Antiulcer Effect of Formulation of Aloe Vera & Liquorice Againt Aspirin Induced Peptic UlcerAuthors: V. Tejasvi Reddy; S. Hari Hara Kumar; Vasudha Bakshi
- Method Development and Its Validation for Simultaneous Estimation of Domperidone and Esomeprazole by RP-HPLC in Combination Tablet Dosage FormAuthors: V. Tejasvi Reddy; S. Hari Hara Kumar; M Akiful Haque; Vasudha Bakshi