Archived Papers for Journal
Research in Social Sciences and Technology >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: Bulent Tarman
Publishing Date: 2016.05.15
- EditorialAuthors: Bulent Tarman
- Virtually Ready? Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of a virtual internship experienceAuthors: Stewart Waters William B. Russell
- Teachers’ Attitudes Toward the Use of Technology in Social Studies TeachingAuthors: Emin Kılınç Seray Kılınç Mehmet Melik Kaya Enis Harun Başer Hafize Er Türküresin Alper Kesten
- A Prediction for Teacher Commitment; Effects of Managerial Style, Burnout and DemographicsAuthors: Gökhan Demirhan Cemil Yücel
- Innovation and EducationAuthors: Bulent Tarman
- Turkish Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences With Contemporary Technology Games and Perceptions About Teaching With Instructional GamesAuthors: Ummugulsum Korkmaz Zeynep Yutrtseven Avci