Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Surgery: Open access >>
Vol.6, No.1
Publisher: Sci Forschen Inc
Publishing Date: 2020-01-02
- Inflammatory Reactions Induced by PTFE Tapes (Study in Rabbits)
Authors: Fausto Viterbo Tulio Magno de Melo Caldonazo Maria Aparecida Custodio Domingues
- Use of a Decellularized Porcine Extracellular Matrix in the Congenital Heart Surgery, Experience of One Center
Authors: Alejandra Valeria Iturriaga-Hernandez
- Key Techniques Involved in Recovering Gingival Recessions: Literature Review
Authors: Laura Renilde Lucas da Silva Lemos Amanda de Macedo Silva Gabriel Gomes da Silva Daniel Felipe Fernandes Paiva Juliana Campos Pinheiro Rafaella Bastos Leite
- Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma Mimicking Pyogenic Granuloma: A Case Report and Review of Literature
Authors: Raniah Abdullah Al Eid