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Archived Papers for Journal

Austin Journal of Radiology >>

Vol.4, No.1

Publisher: Austin Publishing Group

Publishing Date: 2017-02-24

  1. Radiographic Finding of Radial Hemimelia in a 6-Day- Old West African Dwarf Goat with a Fractured Ulna

    Authors: Oviawe EI Yakubu AS Kene ROC Buhari S; Mayaki AM

  2. Estimation of Absorbed Dose Distribution in Different Organs during the CT Scan: Monte Carlo Study

    Authors: Kara U; Huseyin Ozan Tekin

  3. Assessment of Liver Transplant Grafts on Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced-MRI in Pediatric Patients

    Authors: Gungoren FZ Hodge JC Hayat A Bastati N Gehan M; Ba-Ssalamah A