Archived Papers for Journal
Fundamental and Applied Agriculture >>
Vol.4, No.1
Publisher: Farm To Fork Foundation
Publishing Date: 2019-01-15
- Present Scenario and Problem Confrontation of Rooftop Gardening and its Efficacy in
Ambient Environment Reclamation in Khulna City
Authors: Manabika Sheel
- Nutrient management and effects of netting on growth and yield of okra
Authors: Shirin Akhter
- Evaluation of groundwater quality for irrigation and drinking purposes in Barishal district of Bangladesh
Authors: Gulshan Yasmin;Deen Islam;Md. Islam;Md. Shariot-Ullah;A. Adham
- Effect of seed rate on yield performance of dry direct seeded winter rice
Authors: Md. Rahman
- Isolation and identification of Clostridium chauvoei from cattle in Mymensingh
Authors: Md Alam;Md Mahmud;Jannatun Nime;Roknuzzaman Khan;Md Khan;K Nazir
- Response of mungbean varieties to boron fertilization
Authors: Sania Tania
- Studies on the performance of UC Davis chimney dryer on drying of Jackfruits leather
Authors: Halima Khatun
- Grain growth and yield potential of wheat genotypes under late sown heat stressed condition
Authors: Joyanti Ray
- Survival and transmission of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in rice seeds
Authors: Sony Mondal;Md. Hossien;Mst. Akter;Md. Haque;Md. Ali;Md. Islam
- Insect Infested Agarwood: A newly prized product of agarwood market in Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Hoque;Md. Mondal;Mohammad Khan
- Rice genotypic variation in methane emission patterns under irrigated culture
Authors: M. Islam;Imran Siddique;Md. Ali;Md. Islam;Abdullah Mahmud
- The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the bioprotection of ash gourd (Benincasa hispida) against damping off disease
Authors: Md Talukder;Animesh Sarkar;Md Rashid
- Hydrogen peroxide priming alleviates chilling stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by enhancing oxidant scavenging capacity
Authors: Sonya Afrin;Md Tahjib-Ul-Arif;Md Sakil;Abdullah Sohag;Mohammed Polash;M Hossain
- Mechanical and osmotic dehydration behavior of pineapple and retention of Vitamin C
Authors: Rownok Jahan