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Archived Papers for Journal

Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorder Research >>

Vol.1, No.1

Publisher: Open Access Pub

Publishing Date: 2015-05-31

  1. Subjective and Objective Actigraphic Sleep Monitoring and Psychopathology in a Clinical Sample of Patients with Night Eating Syndrome, with and Without Binge Eating Behaviors

    Authors: Orna Tzischinsky; Yael Latzer; Miri Givon; Orna Kabakov; Sigal Alon; Nehama Zuckerman-Levin; Michal Rozenstein-Hason

  2. Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of a One-day CBT for Insomnia Workshop

    Authors: Ann Steele; Seon Lynch; June Shia Lin Brown

  3. Obstructive Sleep Apneas, Cervical Osteophytosis and Sudden Death: A Paradigmatic Case and a Brief Overview of the Literature

    Authors: Sinelli Alessandro; Lovati Carlo; Tien Thien Trung; Mariani Claudio

  4. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment with Epap Nasal Devices: Physiological Principles and Limitations

    Authors: T.S. Hakim; E.M. Camporesi

  5. Intervention Study to Improve Meal Habit, Sleep Habit, Circadian Typology and School Marks in Japanese Elementary School Students

    Authors: Hitomi Takeuchi; Mizuka Nakao; Wataru Kurose; Takahiro Kawada; Teruki Noji; Miyo Nakade; Fujiko Tsuji; Mirada Krejci; Tetsuo Harada