Archived Papers for Journal
Diabetes & Obesity International Journal >>
Vol.1, No.3
Publisher: Medwin Publishers
Publishing Date: 2016-08-01
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Multi-Specialty, Multi-System Galloping Epidemic
Authors: Sriwastva MK; Ganie MA
- Usefulness of Magnesium Supplementation in the Control of Metabolic Glucose Disorders
Authors: Guerrero-Romero F
- Fluorescent Study of Albumin Alterations in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Authors: Kalnina I Kirilova E; Zvagule T
- Bariatric Surgery as a Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Narrative Review
Authors: Aguiar PCM Printes TRM; Feitosa IC
- Triple Therapy with Empagliflozin, Linagliptin and Gliclazide in a Patient who Refuses Insulin: New Solutions to an Old Problem
Authors: Navarrete RET Pires WS; Betti RT
- Modulation of Hepatic Gluconeogenesis: A Therapeutic Target for Diabetes
Authors: Lee IK; Joen JH