Archived Papers for Journal
Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal >>
Vol.2, No.3
Publisher: Medwin Publishers
Publishing Date: 2017-07-22
- Nutrient Depletion-Induced Neuro-Chemical Disorder (Brain Hunger) as a Basic Factor of Psychopathology
Authors: Héctor BCB; Michael JG
- The Practical Understanding of Sex - A Nasty but Necessary Way to Neutralize Lasciviousness
Authors: Nigro SA
- Reducing Rumination of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Post-Meal Tooth Brushing
Authors: McDowell C Barry J; Smyth S
- Violence Unfolding: An Exploration of the Interaction Sequence in Lethal and Non-Lethal Violent Events
Authors: Ganpat SM Van der Leun JP; Nieuwbeerta P
- Exploring Metacognitive Processes Involved in Solving Mathematical Problems
Authors: Trinidad G Debora A Steve L andCelestino R
- The Relationship between Social Skills, Self-Esteem and Big Five Personality Factors among Children
Authors: Abdullah MQ