Archived Papers for Journal
Global Journal of Cancer Therapy >>
Vol.5, No.1
Publisher: Peertechz Publications
Publishing Date: 2019-03-08
- Synthesis of Some Aryl Ketoxime Derivatives with their in vitro Anti-microbial and Cytotoxic ActivityAuthors: Oguzhan Karaosmanoglu Burcu Butun Hakan Dal Hulya Sivas; Kadriye Benkli
- A Novel Nutrient Mixture Induces Apoptosis in Human Mesothelioma Cells (MSTO-211H) via Activation of CaspasesAuthors: A Novel Nutrient Mixture Induces Apoptosis in Human Mesothelioma Cells MSTO- H via Activation of Caspases
- Contribution of viruses to cancer and its global burdenAuthors: Shahzeb Khan Shaz