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Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi >>

Vol.8, No.1

Publisher: Klinik Psikoloji Araştırmaları Derneği

Publishing Date: 2024-04-25

  1. Autobiographical memory in schizophrenia: Specificity, functions and phenomenological characteristics of illness- and achievement-related memories

    Authors: Emirhan Emir; Aysu Mutlutürk

  2. The Relationship between emotion regulation strategies and obsessive-compulsive disorder: An experimental study

    Authors: Tuğba Çapar Taşkesen; Mujgan Inozu

  3. Examination of the Cognitive-Behavioral Model of obsessive intrusive thoughts with momentary and retrospective measures: A preliminary study of the experience sampling method

    Authors: Gülşah Durna; Orçun Yorulmaz

  4. Feelings of fraud among women in Turkey: Prevalence and demographic risk fac-tors of the Impostor Phenomenon

    Authors: Gamze Özdemir Planalı

  5. The mediating role of mindfulness, cognitive control, and cognitive flexibility on the relationship between COVID-19 concerns and generalized anxiety disorder

    Authors: Yasemin Meral; İbrahim Yakın; Gamze Çarboğa; Ömer Emre Bayram

  6. Adaptation of Obsessive Distrust Inventory to Turkish and investigation of its psychometric properties

    Authors: Şükriye Açar; Mujgan Inozu

  7. Internet-based grief therapy program for bereaved individuals at risk: A case series study

    Authors: Samet Baş; Orçun Yorulmaz

  8. Beyond symptom classification: Analyzing subjectivity of people diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder through Lacanian Discourse Analysis perspective

    Authors: Sinem Baltacı; Sevda Sarı; Tülin Gençöz

  9. Determining a subset of discrete emotion-evoking images from the international affective picture system in a Turkish sample

    Authors: Dilara Doğan; Banu Cangöz Tavat

  10. A review about board game expertise: Is intelligence a determinant of expert performance?

    Authors: Hatice Kübra Aydın