Archived Papers for Journal
Journal of Social and Political Sciences >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: Asian Institute of Research
Publishing Date: 2018-03-15
- Depression and Anxiety among Women: An Analysis of Kashmir ValleyAuthors: Inamul Haq
- The Predictors of Body Image Dissatisfaction among Undergraduate Students at the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, KenyaAuthors: Evelyne Kerubo Arasa Josephine Nyaboke Arasa; Munyae M. Mulinge
- Virtual Monitoring in Mexican Computer Assisted Learning for Marginalized PopulationAuthors: Elena Zhizhko
- A Review of Taiwanese Trust in the Police with Alternative InterpretationsAuthors: Shun-Yung Kevin Wang
- Egypt’s Domestic and International Role to Combat Political TerrorismAuthors: Mahmoud Khalifa
- Anies Baswedan and Indigenous-ness in Anti-Out-Group Bias in a Democratized Online SphereAuthors: Achmad Supardi
- Perfectionism Tendency and Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) on Tertiary Students’ in MalaysiaAuthors: Rita Mardhatillah Umar Rauf
- Investigating the Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction at a Private Medical Centre in Northern NamibiaAuthors: Enos Moyo Sadrag P. Shihomeka Moses Chirimbana