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  1. Legislative Provision of State Regulation of Innovative Project Activities of Educational Institutions in Ukraine in the Context of Economic Development and Competitiveness

    Authors: Petchenko M. V. Buhaieva M. V.

  2. A Model of the Structure of the Management of Business Processes in Educational Institutions from the Standpoint of Economic Interaction, the Development of Innovativeness and Competitiveness

    Authors: Us G. O. Kolodynskyi S. B.

  3. Application of Innovative Approaches to Improve the System of Training and Stimulation of Managers in the Formation of Personnel Potential of an Industrial Enterprise

    Authors: Hutsaliuk O. M. Bondar Iu. A. Tomareva-Patlakhova V. V. Ukrainskyi S. S.

  4. Economic and Financial Risks of Corporate Integrated Structures in the Context of the Development of Security and Marketing Management of Integration Processes

    Authors: Boiko O. V. Havrylova N. V. Shchepka O. V.

  5. Management of Ensuring Social Responsibility in the System of Distributed Generatio

    Authors: Mykytenko V. V. Amosha О. О.

  6. The Energy Paradox Associated with the Free Supply of Coal to Workers in the Coal Industry

    Authors: Cherevatskyi D. Yu. Bojko O. V.

  7. The Corporate Integration process Development of Enterprises Associations in the Conditions of Transformations and Changes

    Authors: Gonchar V. V. Trushkina N. V. Yakushev O. V.

  8. Pivot to the East as a Factor in Strengthening Russian Influence in Asia

    Authors: Dmitry Mosyakov;Marina Shpakovskaya;Tatiana Ponka;Vitaly Danilov

  9. Priorities of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and Azerbaijan in the Conditions of the Global Turbulence

    Authors: Igor Filkevich;Zahid Mamedov;Aybeniz Gubadova;Sevda Mamedova

  10. Algeria - Russia Relations: Strategic Partnership in the Age of Geopolitics

    Authors: Lotfi Sour