Archived Papers for Journal
Russian Language Studies >>
Vol.17, No.2
Publisher: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Publishing Date: 2019-05-16
- From the editorAuthors: - -
- To the word with love: dedicated to the anniversary of professor V.A. MaslovaAuthors: Anton Lavitski
- Cultural linguistics in the aspect of teaching the Russian language as a means of intercultural communicationAuthors: Aleksander Mamontov
- Aphoristic units recurrence in modern Russian languageAuthors: Eugene Ivanov
- The phenomenon of metaphor in Russian language studies: from the past to the futureAuthors: Sergei Kurash
- The role of a language in the world’s conceptualization: the aspect of cultural linguisticsAuthors: Valentina Maslova
- Russian language through the prism of national culture and realitiesAuthors: Siarhej Nikalayenko
- Multicultural identity in the context of urban landscapeAuthors: Tat’yana Poplavskaia
- Specific language of Russian Internet poetryAuthors: Julija Bartosh
- The key concept as a structuring base of Russian and Belarusian linguistic worldviewAuthors: Yekaterina Pivovar
- Review of the textbook of V.A. Maslova “Conceptual Basics of Modern Linguistics” (Мoscow: Flinta Publ., 2019. 332 p.)Authors: Tat’yana Poplavskaia