Archived Papers for Journal
Annals of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy (APhOT) >>
Vol.2, No.1
Publisher: Medwin Publishers
Publishing Date: 2019-01-04
- Pilot Testing of Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control (ACMC) in Evaluating Myoelectric Hand Function in Chinese PopulationAuthors: Lai FH Yan EW Ma BT Zhao ZG; Liu T
- Differential Diagnostic Approaches in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Physiotherapy for Mental Illness and Psychosocial Disorders: Similarities and Challenges in Integrating and Promoting East-Meet-West Approaches - Mini ReviewAuthors: Wong HY; Law YM
- Importance of Trunk Stability in Preventing Knee and Ankle Injury in SoccerAuthors: Aswin E; Senthilkumar T
- Motor and Nonmotor outcomes in a Yoga and Task Based Exercise Program: A Pilot StudyAuthors: Rivera M Tan NA; Trueblood P
- Effects of Antipronation Taping on Single-Limb Stance Static Balance in Subjects with Pronated Foot-an Experimental StudyAuthors: Vasanth S Tilak M Samuel W Babu A; Thomas R
- Observed Behaviors of a Child while using an Adapted Ride-on Car: A Case StudyAuthors: Plummer T
- Effectiveness of Shortwave Diathermy in Persons with Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint - an Experimental StudyAuthors: Yarusha Tilak M Samuel W Samuel JD Babu A Thomas R; Rebekah G
- Diclofenac Sodium Iontophoresis Enhances Quality of Sleep in People with Knee OsteoarthritisAuthors: Aiyejusunle CB Akinbo SRA; Faminu JA
- Exercise and Lymphedema in Context Cancer Rehabilitation. A Historical ReviewAuthors: Johansson K Johnsson A; Jonsson C
- Towards a Structured Collaborative Clinical Decision MakingAuthors: Aiyejusunle CB