Archived Papers for Journal
Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique >>
Vol.2, No.2
Publisher: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Publishing Date: 2019-03-03
- GERT Models of Technology of Cloudy Anti-Virus DefenseAuthors: Oleksii A. Smirnov Serhii A. Smirnov Liudmyla I. Polishchuk Oksana K. Konoplitska-Slobodeniuk Tetyana V. Smirnova
- Comparison of Possible Approaches for the Development of Low-Budget Spectrum Analyzers for Sensor Networks in the Range of 2.4–2.5 GHzAuthors: Volodymyr Yu. Sokolov
- Classification of Cyber Cruise of Informational Resources of Automated Banking SystemsAuthors: Serhii Yevseiev Khazail Rzayev Tamilla Mammadova Firuz Samedov Nataliia Romashchenko
- Model of Investment Strategies of Transport Situational Centers in Cyber Security SystemsAuthors: Valerii A. Lakhno Volodymyr P. Malyukov Liubov D. Plyska
- Network-Centric Monitoring for Cyber Incidents in Sectors of Critical State InfrastructureAuthors: Sergiy O. Gnatyuk Vitaliy V. Kishchenko Vitaliy V. Kotelianets Madina Bauyrzhan
- Method of Efficient Representation and Protection of Dynamic Objects in Video Streams based on the Technology of Their Movement CompensationAuthors: Volodymyr V. Barannik Mykola V. Dvorsky Valeriy V. Barannik Anton D. Sorokun
- Virtual Laboratory for Modeling of Processes in Informational and Cyber Securities as a form of Forming Practical Skills of StudentsAuthors: Volodymyr L. Buriachok Svitlana M. Shevchenko Pavlo M. Skladannyi
- Influence on Information Reliability as a Threat for the Information SpaceAuthors: Zoreslava M. Brzhevska Galyna I. Gaidur Andriy O. Anosov