Archived Papers for Journal
Electronic Journal of University of Aden for Basic and Applied Sciences (EJUA-BA) >>
Vol.1, No.1
Publisher: University of Aden
Publishing Date: 2020-03-07
- Influence of TTAB/14-S-14 Micelles on the Rate of the Condensation between Ninhydrin and Mercury-Dipeptide Complex in Absence and Presence of Salts and Organic Solvents: A Kinetic ApproachAuthors: Adel A. M. Saeed Taher A.A. Salem Moh.d Akram
- Polyphenols/Flavonoids Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity in Pomegranate Peel ExtractsAuthors: Omnia Hussein Abdu Adel A. M. Saeed Taha Abubaker Fdhel
- Antibacterial Activity of Aloe Lanata and Aloe Vacillanis Plant ExtractsAuthors: Amani Ahmed F. Khardesh Hitham Qasem M. Hadi Khaled Saeed Ali
- Evaluation of Some Hematological and Serological Changes in Dengue Patients of Lahj-YemenAuthors: Manal Mohamed AL-Samadi Khaled Saeed Ali
- Hydrogeochemical Characterization and Environmental Impact of Fluoride Contamination in Groundwater from Al-Dhala Basin, YemenAuthors: Abdulmohsen S. Al-Amry Abdulmnem Habtoor Aydroos Qatan
- Certain Extension of the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Function and its PropertiesAuthors: Ahmed Ali Al-Gonah Waleed Khadher Mohammed
- Transformation and Summation Formulas for Exton's Functions K11, K14 And K15Authors: Ahmed Ali Atash Hussein Saleh Bellehaj
- Effect of Spray Licorice Extract (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) on Growth and Productivity of Onion (Allium Cepa L. Cv. Bafatiem)Authors: Nora Mohammed Al-Saqaf Mohammed Othman Saad Saeed Al-Hawshabi Essam Ali Abdullah Sadaqa
- Taxonomic Study on Subfamily Faboideae = Papiloideae in Habiel Jabbar District, Lahej Governorate, Republic of YemenAuthors: Othman Saad Saeed Al-Hawshabi Abdul Hakeem Fadhel Hasan Al-Hageli