Archived Papers for Journal
Klironomy >>
Vol.6, No.3
Publisher: European Institute for Innovation Development
Publishing Date: 2022-12-20
- Parody in the Romanian animation theaterAuthors: Stanciu D.
- Features of the technique of “multilayered painting” based on a comparative analysis of the qualifying works of students of the Department of Decorative Painting of the Higher School of Folk ArtsAuthors: Kalmykova
- Prácticas y rituales de consumismo en la actualidad. El caso particular del teléfono móvil: objeto cultural, biográfico e identitarioAuthors: Slusaru I.A.F.
- Kayak – A Note. Role of Language in the development of Indian CultureAuthors: Vishwanatha
- Problems of ethno-cultural intolerance in the European Community in the 21st centuryAuthors: Buychik A.; Tomanek A.
- Comprehensive conservation and restoration of two frames for the temple icons of the Sampson Cathedral in St. PetersburgAuthors: Fomicheva N.M.
- Features of the event-geographical distribution of folk-art products in RussiaAuthors: Lebedev S.V.